The Creek

I am a little mystified by my blogging experience. Somedays, I like doing it. Other times, I wish I had not tried to keep as much of a daily pace I have these past four years. I feel it my duty to write something each day no matter how trivial, vacuous, and vapid. The days I don’t, I feel I have shirked my duty.

This blog has also turned more personal than I ever intended. My experience is that this happens to most bloggers despite their intentions. However, this blog is not as personal as you might think. It is not a diary where everything gets written.

Falling in love with V this year has changed the blog. I tend to write about what is at the top of my mind at the moment. She has been at the top of my mind since the beginning of February. I have enjoyed writing about us more than anything else I have written here.

My writing has been spontaneous and a first coat of varnish. I don’t let something sit waiting for several coats of polish. I don’t apologize for that. Spontaneity has its charm too.

Every now and then, I wonder what it would have been like to have tried to reach a broader audience and have tried more seriously to view things from nowhere. As paltry as it might be, this blog is a piece of me I have shown the world for better or ill. I don’t open up easily to strangers or casual acquaintances. People must read the text of my blog to know me, for I have no desire to give biographical details on the sidebar. Maybe, I am making excuses for my writing laziness right now. Even if I am, I am almost certain I won’t change the way this thing has been going, unless an unconscious turn happens.

So, I will keep this thing going like the meandering creek it is. I will keep it going because I need someone standing along the creek’s banks and enjoying the stream’s bubble and burble if only briefly before they move on to more substantial waters.

Published in: on June 13, 2008 at 8:07 am  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi Lynn,

    By all means keep the meandering creek flowing. You are a generous person to share all (or some!) of your thoughts and activities in a friendly and non-confrontational way that is often absent in other blogs.

    It is indeed a strange phenomenon to get to know another person so intimately without ever having met him.

    I enjoy reading about your life, almost as a fictional character, not out of some prurient interest, but rather as someone listening in on an interesting conversation where you don’t have to hammer out your own opinions in some one upmanship.

    Keep posting, warts and all.

  2. Yeah, I concur. You keep me going during my workday – as sad as that may be…

  3. Orla,

    Thank you, for the kind, generous, and encouraging comments.

  4. V,

    I am glad I liven up your day when things are going slow. Of course, you are always on my mind.

  5. I hope you keep the creak flowing too 🙂 The more left, the more progressive blogs there are the better!

    Btw I’ve only just found out you’ve linked to me, so in return I’ve linked to you 🙂

  6. Sociologist(s),

    Thanks, for stopping by. And thanks for the link.

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